

This is a map containing type information about every GLSL type, indexed by name.

Namely, it provides you with the GLSL keyword, the WebGL type constant, the slot type, and the byte usage of the type.

buildVertexBuffer(struct, bufferData)Link

This creates a new VertexBufferObject, fill it with bufferData, then creates a new VertexArrayObject, and set its AttribPointers by following the layout provided in struct

Returns {vertexArray, vertexBuffer}

buildShader(type, uniforms, inputs, outputs, code)Link

This creates and compiles a shader, where type is one of gl.VERTEX_SHADER or gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, code is the main code of your shader, and uniforms, inputs, and outputs are name/type maps that will be turned into GLSL declaration lists.

If a compilation error happens, it is logged through console.warn

buildProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader)Link

This creates and links a program, given one vertex shader and one fragment shader.

If a compilation or linking error happens, it is logged through console.warn.