

You create a VertexFeedbackComputer by passing a JSON descriptor as an argument:

new WGU.VertexFeedbackComputer({

    units: 100,
    struct: {
        position: "vec3"
    updateStep: {
        params: {
            wind: "vec3"
        glsl: `
            void main() {
                o_position = i_position + u_wind;
    renderStep: {
        params: {
            color: "vec3"
        glsl: `
            void main() {
                gl_Position = i_position;
                vertexColor = u_color;


The purpose of each parameter is explained below.


This tells VertexFeedbackComputer how many units to spawn.

Structs are stored together on the GPU as a single VertexBuffer, and while modern cards can go a very long way, asking for too many units can still hit either the GL_MAX_ELEMENT_VERTICES or GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY limit.


This is a description of the piece of state stored in each unit. You specify each field name (warning: order matters) and its type as follows :

    "position": "vec2",
    "velocity": "vec2",
    "mass": "float",
    "color": "vec3",

This then gets mapped into native types as defined in Util.glTypes


Keep in mind the peculiar way in which OpenGL packs varyingand uniforms on the card.

Attributes use up slots, slots have different types, each type uses up a specific amount of bytes, there are composite types (e.g. mat3) that use up several blocks, blocksline up into rows (usually 4-block wide), and there is an overall block limit of gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS, which is usually 16.

Because of that, it might be advantageous to pay attention to how your fields are getting packed byte- and block-wise, and to reorder fields so that they fall on a 4-block boundary, or to pack multiple related fields into a single vec4.


This allows you to customize the starting data of the VertexBuffer. By default, it is filled with zeroes.

For performance reasons, a single ArrayBuffer containing all the vertices is used. This means you are going to write directly to the in-memory layout of the struct you defined.

To make your life slightly easier, VertexFeedbackComputer accepts a callback, and provides you with a sub-buffer pointing to the region of interest, and the current index of the unit :

initialize: (i, buffer) => buffer.set([255, 172, 172]),


You need to make sure that your call to buffer.set does not go out of bounds or fills the buffer with mismatched garbage.

Furthermore, ArrayBuffers handles bytes, but you often want to fill your buffer with floats instead (for instance, if your struct is made of floats and vec2).

You can convert a Float32Array to an Uint8Array like so :

initialize: (i, buffer) => buffer.set(
    new Uint8Array(new Float32Array([0.5, -1.0, 0.5]).buffer)

Again, you can get more info about how many bytes each type uses up by looking up Util.glTypes


The update step is the TransformFeedback step, which is run entirely on the GPU.

It takes an input buffer that is read-only, and an output buffer that is write-only (this is what allows your GPU to run every vertex shader unit in parallel).

Every step, those two buffers get swapped around so that you work with the latest data and overwrite the oldest.

VertexFeedbackComputer generates the varying and uniform names for you automatically, using the following convention :

  • i_name: value of the current struct's name field in the input buffer (to be read from)
  • o_name: value of the current struct's name field in the output buffer (to be written to)
  • u_name: value of the name global update parameter (to be read from)

An example would be:

void main() {
    o_localPopulation = u_globalGrowth * i_localPopulation;


You need to explicitely set every output field (even if its value is the same as the input field). Otherwise, the runtime compiler will optimize those away, resulting in compilation warnings and garbage values at runtime.

The varying and uniform declarations are prepended internally, thus you only have to provide the body of the shader, usually just a main, but splitting your code into separate functions and using defines is still possible :

#define PI 3.141592

vec2 swap(vec2 i) {
    return i.yx;

void main() {
    o_configuration = swap(i_configuration) * PI;

The code you provide is for the vertex shader only, and even though a default fragment shader is created in order to successfully link the entire program, it plays no role whatsoever, as the resulting pixels are not used (gl.RASTERIZER_DISCARD)


The render step is a vertex shader that converts data from the struct into visible vertices.

It takes an input buffer that is read-only, and outputs vertex data into gl_Position, gl_PointSize, and vertexColor.

The fragment shader behind it is a simple default point rendering, which doesn't need any more data than those three values, and is thus built-in and non-modifiable.


The return value from calling new WGU.VertexFeedbackComputer has the following methods :

  • update()
  • render()
  • run()
  • destroy()